February 22 2011 great earthquake occurred in Christchurch. The cathedral I had long wanted to visit broke down. It was in 2013, just two years after the quake that I visited Christchurch for the first time. There were many containers in a raw along the road to prevent landslide. Center of the city, many building fell down and shops opened in the containers. But this time All the containers have gone. Many new buildings are here and there, and new shops opened in the city central. One of them, Riverside Market was introduced in Japanese TV program.
On the first day our students met their host families at St Albans Community Center, they looked a little nervous then.But only a few days later they were good friends with their buddies. Their parents took good care of them. If the weather forecast said to be windy and cold, they had the students bring warm jacket and scarf. As the days passed, the students got relaxed and enjoy their days.
One Saturday afternoon a member of Sister City Committee asked me for a walk and showed me renewed shops and a new library. They are very interesting for me.Last time I walked around the city, I saw some vacant lots so I am glad to feel the city is coming back as what it was.
On Sunday I met a girl and her parents. She stayed with us when she came to Kurashiki as a member of student delegation. My daughter stayed with them the next year. We shared each daughter and feel like we are relatives. They showed me their new house that they got after their former house broke by the earthquake. I still think she is another daughter of us.
On the other Sunday I was kidnapped from my host to lunch. Another member took me to Thai restaurant. We talked so long about people in Kurashikiand history of sister cities.
As for me visiting Christchurch is not sightseeing but coming back to my second hometown where my old friends live. They welcome us with the warmest hospitality every time. That’s because Kurashiki and Christchurch have been sister cities for 50 years and had good relationship between people and people. To keep this relationship much stronger we have to try to let more people know that Kurashiki has sister cities and we have good friends there.
クライストチャーチ市と姉妹都市提携50周年という節目の年に 学生親善団の引率の大役をいただいた。
木曜、金曜とバディと通学し、土日を家族と過ごした月曜日、ホームシックにかかっていないかと心配したが、それぞれ映画や温泉、一泊旅行に連れて行ってもらうなど、貴重な体験をして不安が少しずつ自信に変わってきているようだった。学校訪問で会った彼らは、英語での授業にはついていけないながら、それぞれのバディの助けを借りながら 日本とは違った学校生活を楽しんでいるようで安心した。送迎してくださる家族のまなざしは愛情にあふれ、我が子同様にとても大切にしてくださっている様子がうかがえた。私自身も受け入れてくださったご夫婦にとてもよくしていただき、更にクライストチャーチは居心地の良い街になった。
10年前、大地震の爪痕の残っていた市の中心部は、すっかり新しい建物が並んでおり、自慢の図書館やコンベンションセンターも完成していた。かつて我が家にホームステイした学生の家族に再会したり、馴染みの姉妹都市委員会の方に新しい街を案内していただいたりと長い交流を重ねているからこそ安心して学生たちを引率できる街であり、これからも両市が人と人とで繋がるよう 微力ながら努めていきたい。