
そして、実際にニュージーランドに行ってみて、私が1番感じた事はこんなに国によって、文化や歴史などたくさんの事が違うことです。日本では、昔の建造物や陶器、書物など、たくさんの物が残されています。ニュージーランドでも、建造物だと聖堂、先住民のマオリ族、食文化だと主食は芋など、国によって生まれてきた文化や歴史には、たくさんの違いがあることを発見できました。通学体験では、日本よりも校則が緩く、全く息苦しくない学校生活が送れました。週末には、ホストファミリーとハイキングにいったりショッピングをしたりして楽しみました。また、団員の皆と一緒に、色々な場所にいって様々な体験をすることができました。 また、私は食物アレルギーがあるので、現地では、毎食自炊で料理を作らなければなりませんでしたが、ホストファミリーに協力してもらいながら頑張って続け、自立するという事にも一歩近づけたと思います。

Visiting New Zealand as a Sister City Visit Youth Life Experience Group Kurashiki City

First of all, the reason I decided to participate in this training is because I have been interested in Japanese history since elementary school and wanted to see not only Japan but other countries with my own eyes and compare the differences with Japanese culture. However, I thought it would be difficult to participate in this training because I suffer from a food allergy. If I developed an allergy during the training, I would have to go to the hospital and in the worst case scenario, I would have died, so I thought I would be turned down.
Still, they respected my desire to learn about the culture of other countries, and I was able to become a member, and I am truly grateful to the people involved in this training. And when I actually went to New Zealand, the thing I felt most was how different the culture and history are from country to country. In Japan, there are many old buildings, pottery, and plants on display or left behind. In New Zealand, there are many differences in the culture and history that have been born from buildings such as cathedrals, the indigenous Maori food culture and colors, and potatoes. During the school experience, the school rules were more relaxed than in Japan, and I was able to enjoy a school life that was not at all suffocating.
On the weekends, I enjoyed hiking and shopping with my host family. I was also able to go to various places with the other members and have various experiences. Also, because I have food allergies, I had to cook every meal there, but with the help of my host family, I continued to work hard and I think I was one step closer to becoming independent. Through this experience, I wanted more people to participate in this experience. I think that everyone has different interests, such as wanting to know about food culture and history overseas like me, but it was a really wonderful experience. I think there are many people who want to go abroad, so I hope that more people will participate in this training and have an experience that will be a big step in their lives.