City Peace Ordinance

City Peace Ordinance

Kurashiki City Municipal Ordinance Related to the Promotion of International Peace Exchanges

Encouraging activities in international exchange, international cooperation and international contribution, as well as striving to establish a multicultural society where all of Kurashiki's citizens can live in harmony.

In this age of rapid globalization and internationalization, where people, goods and information freely cross borders, the realization that we share this planet with many others and that we, therefore, need to learn to coexist peacefully is more deeply felt. In today's international society, the connections that tie the daily life of an average person to the rest of the world are more numerous than ever. The basic concepts of "Peace" and "Stability" are no longer just major issues for the world as a whole but are also important to regions and localities as well.

Therefore, it is the responsibility of each individual person, as a member of international society, to be fully conscious of the role they can play in promoting the idea of Peace. This makes it an absolute necessity for governments to develop policies and programs designed to promote international exchange and international cooperation and contribution to a greater extent than in the past.

Japan is a country that has seen a rapid increase in its number of foreign residents and guests over the past 50 years. This has created opportunities for Japanese people to interact with these foreigners in their daily lives and thus has given them more exposure to the cultures of other countries. Therefore, it is important for both Japanese and non Japanese alike to be able to understand the respective positions of each other while at the same time learning how to respect the differences that exist in both in culture and habits. A multicultural society requires that all of its members be able to live together in harmony.

This ordinance, established in April of 2006, is not just an opportunity to help increase the knowledge of the current state of world affairs among our citizens but also to reaffirm their awareness of the importance of maintaining a peaceful society. By encouraging citizens, artists, businesses and other organizations to expand their area of activities beyond their local areas, we have great expectations that this will not only increase their understanding of the outside world, but also make them once again aware and appreciative of their own local culture, history, tourism resources and the like.
This will not only increase the regional vitality, but it will also help individuals achieve self realization by giving them the opportunity to express their individuality and exhibit their special skills to the rest of the world. Hopefully, this will foster a new generation of young people who posses the necessary skills to fully make a positive impact on the world stage.

With the goals of contributing to world peace and increasing international understanding through the promotion of international peace exchanges between many different people, we here in Kurashiki have put this ordinance into effect. We also hope that this will not only improve the overall welfare of our citizens but also lead to the further development of our regional society.