International Resident's in Kurashiki
Kurashiki has been visited by many different people from overseas over the years. Quite a few have liked Kurashiki so much that they have decided to settle down and make their lives here in Kurashiki. Some stay for only a few years and some for much longer, but each of them, in their own way, has made a positive contribution to the continuing internationalization of Kurashiki.
Below you will find profiles of some of Kurashiki's international residents. Many of them are very active in the Kurashiki community and participate in many of Kurasihiki's international exchange events. So, it is possible you may have seen them somewhere around town.
If you know of someone that might be a good candidate for this part of our homepage, please let us know. We are always interested in learning more about our city's international residents.
Jenny Loo Hanada
Daisy Kojo
Ida Bagus Andika