NZに到着すると最初に感じたのはとても寒いことです。NZは南半球にあるので日本とは逆の季節でした。日本出発は半袖、NZ到着はダウンジャケット。 驚きの気温差です。
ホストファミリーは、3人家族で1匹の猫を飼っていました。私は動物が大好きなので、猫はすぐ懐いてくれました。私も犬を飼っているので話すきっかけになりました。とはいえ、家に到着してから何を話せばいいのかわからないし、 緊張して英語がなかなか出てきませんでした。でも、ホストファミリーはゆっくりと話しかけてくれて、少し緊張がほぐれました。 英語力に自信がない私は、少し勇気が出ました。お母さんにはキャンドル、お兄ちゃんにはお皿、バディにはキティちゃんのグッズを、日本からのお土産として贈りました。みんな喜んでくれました。家族で動物園に行ったり、ケーキを作ったり、祖父母の家に連れて行ってくれたり、おいしいものを食べさせてくれました。たったの2週間だったけれど、家族のように接してくれて、最終日には私の家族へ手紙を書いてくれました。
Kurashiki City Nishi Junior High School 2nd Grade
I joined in this program because I wanted to experience a culture and food different from Japan.
When I got on a flight from Haneda Airport to Sydney, I heard less Japanese. A conversation with a foreign flight attendant was my first "non-Japanese conversation. I was so nervous that I was at a loss for words. It was a long, long plane journey. I was nervous, but I was really looking forward to arriving in NZ.
The first thing I felt when I arrived in NZ was the very cold. NZ is in the southern hemisphere, so it was the opposite season to Japan.
Short sleeves for departure from Japan, down jacket for arrival in NZ. It's a surprising temperature difference.
My host family had a family of three and one cat. I love animals. That’s why the cat immediately fell in love with me. I also have a dog, so it was an opportunity to talk. However, I didn't know what to say when I arrived home, and I was so nervous that I couldn't speak English. But my host family talked to me very slowly, and I was able to relax a little. I was not confident in my English skills, so I gained a little courage. I gave candles to her mother, plates to her brother, and Kitty's goods to my buddy as a souvenir from Japan. Everyone was delighted. They took me to the zoo, made cakes together, took me to y buddy’s grandparents' house, and fed me delicious food. It was only two weeks, but they treated me like family, and on the last day, they wrote a letter to my family.
In the sightseeing I went with the group members, I was able to see scenery that I could not see in Japan. The most memorable thing was riding a jet board. The momentum was so great that it was cold, scary, and funny.
For the commuting experience, I went to the school that my buddy went to. I was surprised by many things that were different from the school I went to. Perhaps because there is a Japanese class, there are many people who can speak Japanese, and when I was in trouble, they would ask me, "Are you okay?" There were also many friendly people, and they talked to me. I was so happy to make a lot of friends.
The two weeks I spent in NZ were very fulfilling. Although it was a short period of time, I had various "first-time experiences" and encounters. It was an unforgettable experience. CH is a very attractive city. I would like to go there again. Thank you very much for giving us such a valuable opportunity as a member of this experience group.