Global Community in English

Global Community in English

Global Community in English Discussion Group


Global Community in English (GCE) is a monthly discussion group designed to give non native speakers of English the chance to use their English ability to learn something new. The format is small group discussion moderated by a discussion leader. Each month we try to have a different discussion leader and a different theme. The Iraq War, racial and ethnic discrimination, religion, travel, cultural differences, international relationships, the aging population, living in a foreign country, are just some of the topics that have been discussed at past GCEs. Participation is limited to 20 people. Because of the popularity of GCE, each month's discussion often fills up quickly.


This is not a beginner's English language class. Discussion leaders will not be teaching English. The entire discussion will take place in English so beginners might find the pace too fast and the level of English used too difficult. GCE discussions are most suited to those who feel comfortable expressing themselves in English. All participants are encouraged to actively participate in the discussion in order to create an enjoyable experience for all. The subject matter tends to be somewhat difficult so we recommend participation only for those high school age and older.

 日本語 =>

Aims To advance international understanding and give participants and opportunity to speak and improve their English.
Format An enjoyable discussion on the topic chosen by the discussion leader。 The topic is presented on the day of the discussion.
Participants Anyone with conversation level English.
Date / Time
Place Kurashiki Cultural Exchange Hall Meeting Rm 1(3F)
Participant nos 20(Apply by phone or email in advance)
Cost 500 yen / Free for members of the Kurashiki International Association
Apply from
Enquires Kurashiki Int. Association TEL 086-426-3015
Theme To be decided

Apply to:
〒710-8565 岡山県倉敷市西中新田640 倉敷市国際課 倉敷市国際交流協会
TEL 086-426-3015 FAX